Hellebore Seed now available
Hellebore seed now available , we have lots ready, and they are all looking amazing in a huge range of colours. If there is anything not listed that you fancy please drop me an email or Facebook note as I have a big box full of about 500 different shades and forms waiting to be sown!
or click here to see what is available online
Of all the flowers and plants that we grow there is nothing quite like Helleborus, especially the orientalis hybrids as they are now known. Their ability to flower so well in the darkest months of the winter fills a gap in the gardening calendar. It places them on a par with the Snowdrops that are so popular nowadays.
Helleborus are not brash or exotic yet they have a subtlety that is certainly unrivalled. Each and every year, they thrust up their flowers. These look so beautiful in the low light levels of the darkest months. They are not affected by frost, rain or wind. They just sit it out until they get a bit of sunlight and the flowers unfurl to reveal an inner beauty. The outside of the petals are often very different from the inner. Most of the flowers are pendulous to protect the inside, making them mysterious as well as beautiful. There is nothing quite like lifting up the blooms to reveal the often exquisite markings on the inside on a cold day. Read more about Hellebores in our Plant Profile
Get cultivation advice here
And the Hellebores will be star of the show at our Winter gardening weekend 2020