Gardens at the nursery
What a strange year it has been and it’s only the second week of January. We have had it so mild that everything is a month ahead, which may or may not cause problems as the year progresses. Now its a bit chilly, still let’s enjoy it while we can.
Here on the Nursery all is going ahead quickly. The gardens are all tidied and ready for a revamp. Soon to be re-opened is Mums garden, with its little winding paths and different levels. We have decided to slightly phase out the herbaceous beds and fill it full of interesting shrubs. This will act as both a show garden and as a valuable area to take cuttings from.
Woodland winter garden
The woodland winter garden is looking beautiful with the moss and the structure really coming into its own, but we are really excited to see if the changes we made last year actually work! Plants are emerging and we are going to add a few interesting snowdrops to try to extend the season and compliment the Hellebores.
Woodland Walk
Our latest exciting project (which may or may not actually happen) is a forest area and pond/lake. 20 years ago we planted a significant area and enlarged a pond. Over the intervening period it has matured and we are now in the process of opening it up – subject to making it safe and accessible. Ask when you come up and we will advise of progress. UPDATE – Our Woodland Walk is now up and running (but still a work in progress), the pond now boasts its very own duck house inhabited by our free range ducks, some are our own ducks but they have been joined by some wild ones, so we kindly ask that dogs are kept on leads and children accompanied at all times. There is a lovely acer glade and we are adding more and more plants and shrubs to the area.
So as you can see it is all ahead. The nursery is looking good and well stocked. Propagation and potting has started and the Hellebores are looking lovely. Pollination starts next week.
The Winter Gardening Weekend is getting ever nearer, for once the stage is planned (well an idea is there). It will be different that is for sure… will it work? We will see. Anyway, do come and support this lovely event, it is on 14th, 15th and 16th Feb and details are on our new website here.
Just as a final note, we used to sell a lot of pond accessories and we have a few bits and pieces (pond pumps, filters, and other sundries) that we are wanting to sell at much reduced rates to clear the store, Give us a ring on 01559 363389 if you want to grab a bargain!