Sambucus 'Laced Up' is a captivating new variety renowned for its towering habit and deeply cut foliage. Its striking purple-black leaves serve as a perfect backdrop for the emergence of pink-budded pale pink flowers, later followed by alluring black-red berries in autumn. With its upright, columnar growth, 'Laced Up' proves ideal for smaller gardens where height is needed without the spread. This elder thrives in various soil types and climates, showcasing adaptability and resilience. It prefers well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. 'Laced Up' harmonizes well with other shrubs in mixed borders or can stand alone as a striking focal point in the landscape, offering visual interest. With a height potential of 2m (6 ft), it adds vertical interest and structure to any garden design.
Common NameElderberry
Approx Height (10 yrs.)180 cm+ (72"+)
Flowering TimeSpring
Coloured FoliageRed-Purple Foliage
Plants for PollinatorsPlants for Pollinators
Edible Leaves, Seed or BerriesEdible Berries
Edible FlowersEdible Flowers
Specimen PlantSpecimen Plant
Flower ColourPink
Plant TypeShrubs