(Pineapple Sage) One of the most pungent of all the sages, leaves when crushed have a strong 'pineapple' scent. Beautiful spires of bright red flowers add to the attraction.A good all-round plant that is at home in both containers and the garden. Prefers a sunny well drained site where it will grow strongly. 60-90cm (2-3')
Common NameGolden Pineapple Sage
Approx Height (10 yrs.)60-90 cm (24-36")
Soil TypeSandy Loam
Soil pHNeutral
Flowering TimeSummer to Autumn
Coloured FoliageGold Foliage
Plants for PollinatorsPlants for Pollinators
Bee FriendlyBee Friendly
Edible Leaves, Seed or BerriesEdible
Flower ColourRed
Plant TypeHerbs