The Bright Field III, Tri Cornel Bach
490 x 550 mm
Mixed media on wooden board
This piece is looking at my relationship with the holding that I live on, and how that is a continuation of the lives of those who have lived in this place before me.
To unpack one of the layers of meaning here, the bee species I've painted is Bombus hypnorum, a fairly new arrival to the uk, which I've been seeing regularly for the last seven years or so and which has become for me an indication of the change and adaptation that always seems to be inherent in continuity.
The buttercup is normally considered a pasture 'weed' but watching Tri Cornel bach, I've learned how it goes in cycles, indicating the underlying condition of the soil. When it's in an abundant year, it's alive with insects of all types, so having had the time to watch it thoughtfully, I'm always glad to see it coming into flower.