A reliable quick growing evergreen that is tough enough to be used in most places but which has enough going for it to make it a worthy garden plant. Prefers a sunny or semi shaded site where its evergreen variegated leaves and white flowers will shine out. Can be used for hedging. Harmful if eaten. 2m
Common NamePrivet
Approx Height (10 yrs.)180 cm+ (72"+)
Soil TypeLoam
Soil pHAcid, Neutral, Alkaline
AspectSun, Semi Shade
Flowering TimeSummer
Variegated FoliageVariegated Foliage
Coloured FoliageGold Foliage
Plants for PollinatorsPlants for Pollinators
Bird FriendlyBird Friendly
Flower ColourCream
ToxicityHarmful if eaten
Plant TypeHerbaceous