A lovely herb with beautiful shiny variegated leaves and a neat mounded habit. Perfect planted as an ornamental in rockeries etc., as well as being a useful part of the herb garden. Like all Thyme s it should be trimmed hard after flowering to ensure lots of new shoots for use in the kitchen, keeping the plants neat and compact. It has an excellent flavour for cooking, the leaves are softer than common thyme and easier to chop. Thyme is traditionally used with meat and in sauces, stuffing, stews and soups. Try it as an addition to salads, as fresh leaves are softer, and not as chewy as common thyme.
Approx Height (10 yrs.)15-30 cm (6-12")
Soil TypeAll
Soil pHNeutral, Alkaline
Flowering TimeSummer
Variegated FoliageVariegated Foliage
Plants for PollinatorsPlants for Pollinators
Bee FriendlyBee Friendly
Edible Leaves, Seed or BerriesEdible Leaves
Flower ColourPink
Plant TypeHerbs