Bedding and Hanging Basket Plants
We grow many thousands of bedding plants, ranging from Lobelia to French Marigold, Nepeta, Million Bells, Begonias and many many more. Below are a few of the huge range that we stock.
All are well grown in 9cm pots or strips. Like all of our plants they are cold grown, usually only getting frost protection unless absolutely necessary. This makes them tough and better able to deal with planting out.
If you are coming to the Nursery and are after a specific type of bedding, please ring first as the stock levels change by the hour and it is impossible to keep up with stock levels.
Be aware that most are frost tender and should not be planted out until all danger of frost is past. However, if , like us, you can’t wait until the first week in June then cover them with fleece or light cotton at night if cold weather is forecast.
Make sure that they are watered well when planted. This should continue throughout the season and liquid feeding will help to prolong flowering. A weak feed every week after the first month is ideal.