Update to our delivery service.
As we have now come out the other side of the Coronavirus pandemic, we have had to reduce our delivery service. However, we understand that not everyone is able to get out or have the transport to be able to collect heavier items. We can either get things to you through the post or our mail order service, or for bulkier items we can arrange a delivery when we are in that area. Please feel free to contact us if you have any enquiries whatsoever.
Farmyard Nurseries will from today be operating a delivery service for those of us who feel they can’t go out. Ring us on 01559 363389 for a chat, I’m sure we can get things to you. Payment can be made over the phone and plants/compost left where you want them. Alternatively we have set up an outdoor till at the nursery so that you don’t have to go indoors at all if you don’t want to. The shop and market stall are open and free tea and coffee is still available here. The garden is looking lovely too. Mail order is another alternative, see our website for details. I would like to thank everyone who shops with us for such loyal custom and hope everyone stays safe. All the best, Rich. Please let your friends and family know if possible.